Intentional Deception Has Its Consequences

Intentional Deception Has Its Consequences

Learn more about fraud charges

Nonviolent crimes may have fewer physical ramifications, but they still come with severe legal consequences. If you're facing fraud charges, you need help from W.B. Slaughter & Associates LLC. We've been representing clients in the courtroom for more than 25 years.

We want to help you avoid a conviction at all costs. If you're convicted of fraud, you may have to...

  • Serve a sentence in jail
  • Pay significant fines
  • Spend time on probation
Defend yourself with help from an experienced attorney. Contact us today to get started.

3 examples of fraud charges

Many different crimes can fall under the category of fraud. However, some of the most common types of fraud include...

  1. Identity theft
  2. Tax evasion
  3. Mail fraud
To learn more about your specific charges, reach out to our law firm today. We'll walk you through all the details during your free 30-minute consultation.