Right now, the nation is in the grips of the Coronavirus crisis. Millions of people have been laid-off from their full-time jobs and are having a hard time trying to make ends meet. And the longer this crisis endures, the harder it is going to be for the average family to stretch their dollars to put food on the table, keep the lights and gas on, pay their mortgage, and provide for their families.
We all hope and pray that this crisis will be over soon, and things will return to normal. But, we know that “normal” is going to be very different. Many companies will shrink in size because, after the crisis, people won’t have the same spending power as they had before. So, they won’t be buying the same level of consumer goods and services.
Since the demand for consumer goods and services will be less, companies won’t need the same number of employees. And not everyone will be rehired, or rather, reemployed. Many people who were laid-off will not be returning to their previous job, and there will be fewer jobs to go around.
And how will companies select who to reemploy? Well, you know the answer to that question. Companies are going to choose to rehire people who will work harder for less money. That means that older workers who have been employed with the company for many years won’t be rehired. High salaried employees whose positions are not essential won’t be rehired. Many companies will use the Coronavirus crisis as an excuse not to reemploy minority employees, women, and the disabled. And they will claim that the revenues just don’t justify reemploying “everyone.”
It is against the law for companies to discriminate because of age, gender, minority status, or disability. If you find that your company is not going to reemploy you, you need to seek legal help immediately. A competent lawyer may be able to force your employer to rehire you or work out a monetary settlement that allows you time to look for other employment.
But you have to act quickly. The law allows you only a short window of time to bring claims against your former employer. We can help. Just go to our website, slaughterassociates.com, and book an appointment. Or call us at 1-800-746-0982. The initial consultation is free.